Look Younger Because You Feel Younger: Taking A Closer Look At Hormones
Researchers and medical professionals around the globe have been looking for years to find effective ways to slow down the aging process. From skin creams to injections, many products and medical treatments claim to slow down aging. While many of the techniques available do have some effect, many of them do not actually impact how young you feel. If you feel younger and more energetic, the chances are high you will look younger as well.…
Read More »A Good Thing, Period: 3 Things Your Menstrual Cycle Can Do For You
Having your period is generally not thought of as a good thing; the cramps, aches, mess, and fatigue that comes with that time of the month can cause you to be cranky or stressed out, and generally feel like you’ve been hit a few times with a meat tenderizer. However, for all the negatives your menstrual cycle may bring you, it can actually ensure that you stay healthy and can even help to fight off disease, among other benefits.…
Read More »Does Macular Degeneration Run In Your Family? Here's What You Need To Know
If you have a parent or grandparent with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), you’re at an increased risk of developing it yourself. This progressive eye disease can lead to severe or complete vision loss if left untreated. So, it pays to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this condition, what you can do to lower your risk, and what to expect if you are diagnosed with AMD. Read on to find out.…
Read More »Woman With Frequent Urinary Tract Infections? 3 Tips For Extinguishing The Fire
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are often more common in women because of their shorter urethra. This makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. Unfortunately, for some women, gaining control over UTIs is a constant struggle. There are simple tactics you can use to reduce the frequency of UTIs. Consider Your Behaviors Some daily behaviors can contribute to frequent UTIs. A major problem is holding your urine due to inaccessibility of the bathroom or simply because you delay taking a break.…
Read More »3 Ways Your Medication Can Hinder Your Weight Loss
If your weight loss has plateaued, or if you’ve started gaining weight despite following the formal diet and exercise program developed by your weight loss clinic, your medications may be to blame. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause physiologic and metabolic changes in your body that can lead to weight gain. Here are three medications that may hinder your weight loss efforts and what you can do to get your scale to move in the right direction once again:…
Read More »Treating The Curvature In Your Child's Spine
Your pediatrician has diagnosed your infant as having scoliosis. You have an appointment with an orthopaedic doctor to discuss treatment options. Treating the spinal curvature early in your child’s physical development is important so they don’t experience health problems that can last into their adult life. Here is why early treatment is so critical for your child and the various techniques used to help your child develop a straight spine.…
Read More »Catering To Your Back Problems
If you suffer from back pain, then every day can be a challenge when it comes to doing the things you once did without thought. In order to decrease the amount of pain you suffer each day, and to make your daily chores as easy on you as possible, there are a few things you may want to change around your house and other things you want to incorporate into your life.…
Read More »Faqs About Medical Marijuana
As more states are adopting laws that allow for the use of medical marijuana to control the symptoms of various medical conditions, users are having to learn when and how to use it. If you are considering medical marijuana usage, here is what you need to know before starting. How Is It Consumed? Medical marijuana is more than a substance you can roll into a cigarette paper and smoke. In actuality, it comes in a range of consumption methods that could be better for you than the others.…
Read More »3 Tips For Pain Relief After A Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck is designed to make your stomach look flatter and more toned, and it can help get rid of excess skin. However, you might find that you have to experience a bit of discomfort before you are truly able to enjoy the benefits of this procedure. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to get some relief from your pain and discomfort after your surgery. These are the best things to do.…
Read More »Why You Should Have An Indepedent Medical Exam For Weight Loss Issues
Being overweight can be difficult. It can especially be hard when you are putting in a major effort to lose weight but are not losing any pounds. If you have tried calorie counting, pre-made diets, and exercising for many hours a day but you are hardly losing weight, you should see your doctor. There are a number of issues that can lead to you retaining weight. There may be issues that are not spotted by a doctor who already has a trained eye on your medical history.…
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